Cardiac arrest is the main cause of mortality in Spain after cancer.Every 20 minutes there is a case of sudden death and in many of these cases it could have been avoided if we had had a defibrillator (AED) at our fingertips.80% of heart attack cases take place outside the hospital setting:* The time to save a victim of cardiorespiratory arrest is 4-5 minutes and, for every minute that is lost, the chances of survival decrease by 10%.* Having a defibrillator in this short time can help save many lives.* It is very important that a person who is suffering a cardiorespiratory arrest receives prompt attention with a defibrillator within a maximum period of 5 minutes.* If the use of a defibrillator occurs in less than five minutes, the chances of survival increase between 70% -90%.The average response time of the emergency services is 15 minutes, so having an AED in less than 5 minutes is KEY to saving LIVES.If you are suffering a heart attack or someone close to you, do not hesitate to ask for help through the Verlife lifesharing network.OUR OBJECTIVE: To bring an AED and a qualified assistant, as soon as possible, to the person who needs it.You too can become a hero.YOUR CITY: From the private and public sphere, the installation of defibrillators is being promoted in places with a large influx of people, creating "cardioprotected areas". But it is insufficient and the defibrillator and staff, properly trained for its use, are not always close to where the accident occurs.HEROES: A multitude of vehicles in motion, circulating through the cities, carrying an AED, trained for its use and capable of arriving as soon as possible where it is necessary.LIVES: By downloading the Verlife APP you can contribute to saving the life of someone in your family, a friend or person close to you if they suffer a cardiorespiratory arrest. You can save lives.